How to Biblically Minister to a Homosexual - Video

Online Workshops | How to Biblically Minister to a Homosexual - Video

How to Biblically Minister to a Homosexual - Video

Cost: $5.49
COUNSELING THE SEXUALLY TEMPTED - Half of Christian men have a problem with pornography and half of the men viewed pornography within one week of attending a Promise Keepers stadium event. Even 50 percent of pastors said they viewed porn within the past year. And women are not immune to the temptations, it is often just more “invisible”. As many as one in five Christian women use pornography, and at least nine out of ten married women will be attracted to someone who’s not their husband. In this training, you will learn how to overcome sexual temptation personally and how to help others through Christ-centered, Radical Amputation (Matt 5:27ff), Renewal of the Mind (Rom 12:2), and Radical Replacement (Lk 11:24-26). We will also address the basics in helping those with homosexual temptations. There is hope. Learn how to set captives free with the compassion and truth of our Lord and His Word.


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6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
