Be At Peace: 2022 Biblical Change Conference

Be At Peace: 2022 Biblical Change Conference

Be At Peace: 2022 Biblical Change Conference
April 2
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

There is much fear in the world today - fear of sickness, war, oppression, and poverty. When a people are ruled by fear they are ruled by conflict.
Fear casts out love - Peace restores balance.

Finding Personal Peace
Restoring Objectivity
Restoring Kindness
Pursuing Unity

Personal peace empowers unity when possible, courage if necessary, objectivity when confused & compromise in non-essentials. This peace empowers positive influence in a world full of relational hurts, threats & conflicts. This peace we will meditate on with our Bible open as we fearlessly "pursue peace with all men."

Finding Personal Peace - Dr. Marvin Olasky
My only comfort in life and death is that I belong heart and soul to Jesus Christ.

Pursuing Unity - Tim Bryant, Director 
Responding wisely to the three types of divides: factual, functional & foundational as an Ambassador of Christ's Peace - 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Testimonies: Personal Peace Empowers Amazing Outcomes 

Restoring Onjectivity - Dr. Marvin Olasky
Listening humbly and drawing conclusions fairly when in discussion with those whom you differ - Prov 18:13; Prov 11:2) (Free Lunch Included)

Restoring Kindness - Dr. Charles Ware
How Christ-exalting Good Works & Compromise Promote Christ-exalting Solutions

Break Out Options from Experienced Biblical Counselors Included


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6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
