Online Workshops | FREE WORKSHOPS

A Process for Decision Making

Cost: $0
Here is a biblical process for making decisions that has been adapted from James Petty’s book, “Step by Step: Divine Guidance for the Ordinary Christian” He has given seven elements of biblical decision making: 1) Consecration; 2) Information; 3) Supplication; 4) Consultation; 5) Meditation; 6) Decision; 7) Expectation. This is part of a two session video series entitled "Making Wise Decisions."

Grasping God's Faithfulness When Fearful

Cost: $0
This workshop helps you take fear, anxiety, and worry captive to persuasive thoughts of God's consistent power, love and wisdom at work on your behalf. Tim Bryant, director of Lowcountry Biblical Counseling, walks you through meditations on passages of Scripture that not only sustain you when threatened by tough circumstances, but that can change you to trust in God’s love and sovereignty. Click here to view and print out the outline.

It Only Takes One

Cost: $0
Would you like to learn to be a Christ-like peacemaker not a peace-faker? If you are in conflict with another person – your spouse, child, or another family member, a co-worker, a neighbor, a brother in the church – there is a way to approach them without ignoring, attacking or pulling away. This is the first session in the eight part "Unity in Conflict." As you listen be open to learning a totally different approach to dealing with disappointments and offenses in relationships.

Unity in Marriage - Choosing to Love in a Difficult Marriage (2 Part Video)

Cost: $0
What biblical realities should husbands and wives meditate on to handle times when their spouse is not making it easy to love him or her? Faith in the person of God, the promises of God, and the perspectives of God is the victory that can overcome sinful reactions in marriage. The key to any effectiveness we have had in marriage counseling at the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center has been based on the Spirit using the Word to motivate a deeper faith and love in the heart of a spouse whose love has grown cold.

6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
